Coloured Stones: How special and beautiful these are

We’ve all heard the expression ‘she’s a gem’, rare, beautiful, unique and honest. She is what she is, gems are what they are. Throughout the centuries precious coloured stones have been sought after and treasured by royalty, maharajahs and emperors. The sumptuous colour spectrum and seductive allure of a gem, created by Mother Nature, is something that we desire.


We are bewitched and drawn in by the sense of something bigger than us being unearthed. From exotic places that whisper of romance and magic come beautiful stones. The particular way their chemical composition is constructed over millions of years reveals glorious greens, luscious blues, plush reds, vibrant yellows and effervescent purples and pinks. Most gems are minerals.


They are natural because they have been produced by the earth without the help of humans. Inorganic gems are composed by non-living matter and organic (eg. pearls) by living organisms. Perhaps that’s what makes them so intriguing. As unique as when you look into someone’s’ eyes, the natural beauty in how the colours are dispersed perhaps explains the captivation of certain gems.


Here at CM Weldon in Powerscourt we have a passion for these rare gems. I’ll be exploring the ins and outs of coloured stones next time. But I hope that I’ve in some way enabled you to appreciate how special and beautiful these gems are.